Saturday, January 19, 2013


Furiosity (n): the property of being wild or turbulent "the storm's violence" 

I so happened to discover a sheet of bondpaper with some rantings on it on how to manage my anger and stress.  And I was like 'what the??' I'm a nice person with a very bad temper. Not just bad but VERY bad. I get so mad easily that it stresses me out. Haha. Anyway, it has been a long time since my last entry here and it took me some time to recover my blog account. *sigh* I had to congratulate myself for the patience and effort I took just to have this written here. Perhaps, I should start writing again.

Here goes what's written on a folded bond paper that I must have written many months ago and I'm pretty sure I was so furious that time that I could murder someone. Haha

'Oh KSA, what have you done to me?'

I realized I've become rude lately. I know it's wrong but I can't help it. Damn hormones and yes, some people should be taught some lesson. I normally treat people the way they treat me. As the quote says 'My personality is me, my attitude depends on you'--that's it. That's really it. 

I hate rude and inconsiderate people. I hate it when somebody would call me name out loud (excuse me? get a grip!) and there's this tone of voice I really despise. The problem with people here is that they are always in a hurry. Oh. Always in a hurry as if they'll die. 


  • Count 1-10 before saying anything.
  • Relax.
  • Don't over think  too much.
  • CURSE--just in your head.
  • Deep breathe---deep breathe and walk away from the stressor.
  • Try to maintain your composure.
  • Write and CRUMPLE the paper!
Jeez. Seriously? I'm a doorbanging-things-throwing-swearing-shouting-sarcastic-walkout queen and I don't give a damn, most of thhe time. I have this temper issue for so long and at this moment, I've gotten better. I believe everybody has a weakness and this is mine. This place is provoking me to be rude and I have this constant battle within me to stay nice, bubbly and patient. Deep breathe, again and again. Aren't nurses supposed to be patient? What an irony, Karen. *sigh*